Coming to know and understand one's self and what makes one tick is a reward of age.
For years, at least since age 19, I have looked at myself from outside me. By that, I mean I've viewed all my actions, thoughts and needs without taking into account who I really am and without any generosity towards myself.
I have been disgusted, berating my accomplishments, unsympathetic to any struggles, unforgiving to bad habits and generally holding myself up to an incredibly unnessesary template of "what I should be according to my family".
I suspect many people do this, especially women.
I am mostly over that way of treating myself and have become who I am with relatively complete acceptance. HooRAY! I feel better.
Even when I start to berate myself for something I wish I hadn't done or had done, it is so easy to remind myself to be nice and forgiving. It has come with age and a need to figure out myself, and approve.
I am trying to live the idea that I tell my children- You have to be your own best friend first.
Okay, so I was reading some interesting posts on a garden website. The ideas were striking cords in me which lead to the above cycle of thought.
Broad ideas of how gardens and nature can provide meditative and inner peace with viewing the wild, untouched and unmanicured side.
The act of gathering native seeds in a wild, unkempt field could be enriching. To walk in a dark forest setting can be unsettling and enjoyable at the same time. Imagination can go wild. The complexities of nature are fantastic and so close at hand. We can dabble in the very place our existence is derived from. And it's a magic place.
Ugh, I sound a bit over the top.
But I am a person who is out of her element when I am at my school job. I am not in my element when I am trying to manage the household by myself, which I ask for, I know I know. I won't shy away from doing pretty much the best I can in either place. It's my job and I accept it. I just derive little enjoyment and I am not inspired in the least. ( I am not unhappy with my job as a mom because out of everything in my life, that's the one place I feel rich but it is a task, fur sure)
Does that not sap spirit from a person? And cause a person to start losing interest in life because it takes so much energy? When a person's spirit is sapped, it makes the smallest jobs and common needs in life seem monumental. And one's brain feels like it's ready to spin out of
one's skull?
I need to be in an element I can derive peace and enrichment from. I have a great need because of who I am and how my brain works to find this place with peace. Now I have to find that job that will pay the bills but allows me peace.
I wound it up quicker than I wanted because I lost my train of thought. I just finshed with an hour long phone call from a friend and my daughter is waiting to finish her school paper. See?!