Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I stole this idea from Simon who posted a clip from his work place space.

I wouldn't say I have done much work from this space so we will go with calling this my one and only tech spot in the house. I have derived a lot of pleasure and information from this spot,however.

As you can see, it needs some clutter control. I don't care. I can find what I need when I need it. It gets dusted but nothing gets organized. If you notice the spelling dictionary, you can see it holds a place of prominence.

Ok, nothing else to report here (yawn).

Remember when I posted a photo of a bundle of sticks back before Christmas?

This is what I was making. The chair on the left will get fitted with a bottom cut from an old wooden strawberry box and the easel is done. I sent these to two loverly people near the nation's capital.

I needed to send something cool to set on the easel like a one of these collector's bird cards that once came inside boxes of baking soda near the turn of the last century.


Blogger nina at Nature Remains. said...

Tanks for stopping by my blog!
We're getting the ice today, so I'm finally getting that chance to catch up on my visits.
So nice to meet you!

11:55 AM  
Blogger Simon said...

Imitation is the highest form of flattery my dear so thank you. And thank you for ALL your comments, anonymous, alter ego, or other wise.
What other images would you wanna see I wonder...

12:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nina, nice to see you, too.
Thanks for stoppig by. Come by anytime.
Simom, I am posting lots of home images today. I got a lot of time on my hands since I got the call just now we aren't in school tomorrow either. Your turn....
Yes, alter ego- that's what I was going for.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

That computer hutch looks kinda like Dame AM's setup.

I still love my chair, it's still has a place of honor on the mantle

3:00 PM  
Blogger Weeping Sore said...

Your workspace is NOT cluttered. As long as you can find the keys on the keyboard, it's fine, just fine! Besides a workplace that's too neat just shows lack of imagination.
I love the display easels. They are perfect for the use.

1:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yay, Anne. Just what I was hoping to hear...
Does AM shop at Walmart?
Alright, weeping sore! I knew I liked you. I'm guessing I am up to my eyeballs in imagination.
Good to see you and thanks for the compliment.

8:54 AM  
Blogger John said...

You crafty person you. I tried crafts once and glued my eyelids shut and stuck an ice pick through my hand. Not at the same time though, that would have been dumb.

9:53 AM  

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