E takes the ACT test today for the first time. The highest score of 31 can get a Bright Flight scholarship of $2000 a year from the state. That would be alright, I'm thinking.
J is gone to a sleepover at a friend's and not back until
noonish. Could that mean?!..Is it possible?! ..YES! I am alone!
OMG! I am going to start right in on my projects. As soon as I drink another round of java.
Bought our Christmas tree last night from the local grocery store. Poor things, having been cut last June are shedding and looking thirsty. I was going to head to the closest tree farm 25 miles away and cut a fresh one but the hail storm this summer took out their crop. Anyway, I sawed off the bottom 4 inches of this one and stuck it on a nice warm bucket of water in the garage last night. Oh, my, the garage smells nice. Guess we will put up the tree tonight and a bit of other decorations. It's a delight to smell the scent of fir the first moments of lucidity in the morning. I almost forget I'm the age I am and I am transported back to my childhood.
Crap! I was just reminded my daughter has a watch (she never wears) and I just bought her one for Christmas. Good Grief! She had it on for the test or I wouldn't have remembered she had one. Guess I have a new watch. And I do need one.
One more week of school and we are out until January 5th. There is some nasty looking weather coming in this week looking to last the entire week as well. I really want to get this week in before we leave for break so I'm crossing my fingers. I sure hope things up north improve for those folks. It looks a lot like our ice storm from '07.
I have some interesting visitors. Some from far away such as Portugal and some from as close as Springfield Missouri. Don't you always wonder who might be lurking and what their stories are? Welcome anyhow.