The world is noisy and distracting. The same of people. I am ready to concentrate on slowing down, tuning out the noise and tuning into the very basic things. I am ready to start quietly listening to my heart and follow the omens out there.
Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. -Howard Thurman
me, too.
i need to do this.
but at the moment my son is doing laundry behind me and i'm not sure if it's tennis shoes he's got in the dryer or money, but it's loud!!
Nifty new-year's resolution. Slowing down has always been the lesson I find hardest to learn. But I'm gettin' there...
Happy '09
I am with you here...I just bought a DVD called "Meditation" (by Gaiam) is REALLY helping me to relax and become undistracted. :)
sounds perfect
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