I have poison ivy and chigger bites.
Nuthin' like
livin' in the Ozarks in summer!
I deserve it, I suppose. I have been tempting Fate, wearing shorts and tees to pick up fire wood for the camp fire last week at the lake( there must have been poison ivy somewhere on it) or tripping through weeds and grass to follow some wild kittens at my friend's house yesterday. I might not have done that if we hadn't imbibed in the manner in which we imbibed. It just felt right but now it feels so very wrong.
I also wanted to prevent the little summer school
scalawags from rolling in it when they had their garden classes so I worked tirelessly to remove it's long
rhizomatous roots from the garden's midst. I just managed to beat that first blight on my forearms back with calamine when a new batch appears in all it's itching, bubbling glory. Add to that the burning, bulleted marks on my ankles and eh-hem...other rather non-mentionable sites from those
blankety- blank chiggers! There is nothing that works AT ALL on chigger bites for me. I have learned that the hard way.
Where I grew up, there were only mosquitoes, no chiggers or ticks. A person could go tripping through the tallest grass and weeds with no thought to protecting one's self from those menaces.
Then I moved to the Ozarks where there are ten billion ticks and ten times that in chiggers just waiting to hitch a ride under delectable skin.
I paid a high price one of my first nights here, having coated my entire body with the delicious scent of body spray and ending up skipping through high grass to a lookout over a river.
No one said to get right home and shower off those cussed pests! They must have lingered in their all night buffet enjoying the idiot from the
And I didn't even know what I had on me! Someone had to identify I had chigger bites!
I must have spent a large fortune trying any remedy over -the-counter. Eventually the itch abated but not before I had spent 2 solid weeks scratching and miserable, sleepless nights.
I will wear more clothing
I will wear more clothing
I will wear more clothing
I will wear more clothing....