Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Unexpected bonus from my daily morning walk: a mostly new roll of black electrical tape. Yay.

I have noticed 3 birds on different morning walks with eyesight problems. Crusty glued-shut eyes and a beak that wouldn't close on one (hope I didn't catch you in the middle of a snack- it's WAS yucky). Looking it up on the Conservationist website, I found a few diseases caused by birds using dirty tube-style feeders where their heads brush against the sides and transfer disease easily. And with the increase of people having feeders in the last few decades, the diseases have increased. They recommend cleaning the feeders with bleach and water or switch to a house feeder style. I love feeders but have also started to incorporate native Missouri plant and bush species that will offer food at different times of the year not to mention nesting and cover. The handy dandy Dept. of Conservation has already bundled native species together for a pittance -25 of 6 different shrubs and trees for $8. Yes, they are small but they grow pretty darned fast. And they are of course suited for our climate and soil so they perform well. ( ok, I'm ready to receive my check in the mail from the D of C for the plug).

I have shed my 180 pound coat of Wildman. I feel lighter but sadder. Things will be ok all around, though.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I'm All Out of Talk..Well, Maybe Not

I have that talked- out feeling. Gone inside myself. I guess it's not a problem especially for those people who don't enjoy my ramblings..Heehee, who COULD that be?
Anyway, it seems to be a trait that takes over when I am unsure or worried about stuff. Or when I am overwhelmed with ideas and jobs. The idea thingee is the place I am at right now. So many things to get to. I am comtemplating and I do it best alone and unhindered by interaction with others. My brain is just that weak. I need total quiet to hear what I am thinking.

I am thinking about all the people who are dealing with the flooding and horrible weather lately. I seriously wanted to look into volunteering to help recovery in places that were flooded. I can't really pick up and go, though. It's a shame. I would be good help.

It's a quiet, rainy morning, or at least until my son got up and started playing Kingdom Hearts on PlayStation or the White Tee's album. He attended his first middle school dance last night. I picked up a sweaty, jubilant 12 year old last night. He had danced like a crazy man apparently and even the 7th and 8th grade girls were asking him to dance (if it actually went down that way). What a departure from his early years when you couldn't even get him to have a picture made! His best girl-friend danced half a song with him until his sweatiness icked her out. Heehee. Ah, to have been a fly on the wall.... I am amazed at the difference between him and his sister. I had to literally shovel her out of the car when I dropped her at the first dance. He fairly leaped out of the moving car to get in! Alone! No one with him to walk in with.

Anyway, time to deliver him to his dad's house and finish my quiet weekend. Lots to do. Looking forward to it.

Enjoy you weekend, everyone.

Friday, August 24, 2007

I don't think I'd want to live in a yellow
submarine. I kind of get the sense there
would be more goofing around than I could
tolerate and not enough torpedo firing.

(Brad Simanek)

Friday, August 17, 2007

A tidbit

On my way to the dr's this morning, I passed a house with a big mailbox at the road. The names on it said Ruth and Werth Johnson. Really. I promise.
I was thinking if Ruth left Werth, he's be Ruthless and if Werth left Ruth, she'd be Werthless.
Happy Friday. Take a moment to realize the good things in your life.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I'm NOT Throwing In the Towel

I've noticed several bloggers who are shutting down or are taking a break. I feel less than enthusiastic about my blogging lately. I think it might be the summertime
slump when there is so much to take up time with it's hard to get to it. I have very little I feel I can share, too.
When I am with just one or two friends, I am quite verbal. In a group, I am very much the person who listens and holds an inner dialogue, contented with that. I do speak up in the conversation but I am not the leader, so to speak (a couple of reasons for this). I've always been that way. And in my blogging life, I rarely find myself revealing that inner dialogue like so many do so well. I am content to read and consider what you all are writing, usually without much comment.

Things I woke up and worried about overnight: My father who is losing weight and tearing up when my mother visits him. I miss him and I need to get over to see him.

My son. What will his initial reaction be when I make a break from Wildman? And how can I make up the loss of that male influence that he needs and loves very much? It will seem like the divorce all over again, I am afraid. Obviously I need to speak to his father about stepping up. Advice anyone?

My daughter and her reaction. I believe she will fare better since she understands why I am breaking it off with Wildman but her male influence is going to take a hit too. Risky.


School starts for me tomorrow. The kids don't go till Wednesday. I am fairly up for it. With the Outdoor Classroom initiative we have in mind, I will be busy and fulfilled this year, I think.

J starts middle school. Whoa! I'll be in the elementary by myself! It's trial by fire in 6th grade. Sink or swim. He is going to have a bit of culture shock with his organizational skills and I might be up to 60 mg on my antidepressants by the end of September.

E is initiating a school newspaper and found a babysitting job that is pretty consistent. She is going to be one busy gal.

The house is quiet. The kids are gone and my mind can relax. I have my Sunday paper ready to read and more coffee. I have the morning and some of the afternoon I can spend alone. I love it. Wish I could get rid of this worry in my belly.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

My Baby is Growing UP

Twelve. Years. Old! I can't believe it! And this past year he has grown the most of all, mentally, emotionally and physically. We have grown incrdibly close as well for which I am thankful.
I love this boy so much and marvel at his generosity and honesty. When he shares his feelings or thoughts, I can understand completely because he thinks like I do. He is a pleasure and a gift.

I got him a pair of drum sticks from Hard Rock Cafe that have dragons printed on them. He saw them and fell in love but chose to hold on to his money. Lucky me! And a life time supply of AA batteries for all his electronics. My mom had come to visit with red throw pillows for his room which he dug.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jog

Yes, many days have passed since my last post. I've been in the Windy City with my kids for a tour. Yes, we looked like tourists all the way. Many pairs of brilliant new white tennis shoes and backpack purses were seen in the group. Not us, of course. We never are obvious (smirk and eyes roll).
And you know how it is trying to get to a point of leaving on vacation. You have tons of preparation and work to be gone for a few days and then when you get back there are tons of things to catch up on. And many pounds to be lost. Ugh.
Anyway, the trip was tremendous. Much was learned and and seen.

The Sears Tower, an architectural boat tour up the Chicago River (my personal fav), a night at the Navy Pier, the Field Museum (could have stayed there all week), the Shedd Aquarium, Millennium Park(see the silver jelly bean sculpture?), the Water Tower, shopping and eating on the Magnificent Mile, a Cub's game, a Medieval Times dinner and show, Hard Rock Cafe- you know, the usual touristy stuff.

I'm lurking at every body's blog. Give me time to think of something witty or helpful to say and I'll comment.
