Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Unexpected bonus from my daily morning walk: a mostly new roll of black electrical tape. Yay.

I have noticed 3 birds on different morning walks with eyesight problems. Crusty glued-shut eyes and a beak that wouldn't close on one (hope I didn't catch you in the middle of a snack- it's WAS yucky). Looking it up on the Conservationist website, I found a few diseases caused by birds using dirty tube-style feeders where their heads brush against the sides and transfer disease easily. And with the increase of people having feeders in the last few decades, the diseases have increased. They recommend cleaning the feeders with bleach and water or switch to a house feeder style. I love feeders but have also started to incorporate native Missouri plant and bush species that will offer food at different times of the year not to mention nesting and cover. The handy dandy Dept. of Conservation has already bundled native species together for a pittance -25 of 6 different shrubs and trees for $8. Yes, they are small but they grow pretty darned fast. And they are of course suited for our climate and soil so they perform well. ( ok, I'm ready to receive my check in the mail from the D of C for the plug).

I have shed my 180 pound coat of Wildman. I feel lighter but sadder. Things will be ok all around, though.


Blogger Gnomeself Be True said...

Poor Wildman!
Bad enough to be dumped, but to be thought of as a 180lb coat?

11:34 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

Good for you, and peace be with you too.

12:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Iamnot, guess I should have just said " I broke it off with Wildman" and not tried to be cute, huh? I didn't call him a coat to his face, by the way. And I guess I am a tad irritable at this point as well.
Thanks, Anne.

12:54 PM  
Blogger John said...

Never an easy thing. And as Anne said, Peace.

10:14 AM  
Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

I thought the birds were sharing mascara. I here that passes infection too.

You followed your heart with Wildman. The path of least resistance isn't necessarily where happiness lies.

4:57 PM  
Blogger Sandi said...

Glad you did what you had to do.

10:38 PM  
Blogger Otis said...

When I first read, I saw your humor...but in the sense of a cilice and I juxtaposed a hidden meaning that probably isn't there in that you have been released throught "mortification"...

On second thought there is similar symbolism.

That will be $150.00 please.

11:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks John. It took a while to do, yeah.
AM, heehee. You know your stuff.
Thanks, Sandi.
Good gosh, Otis, are you speaking latin or are you drunk?! The check is in the mail either way. And I am heading for the dictionary.

8:01 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Otis, you are DEEP.

8:10 AM  
Blogger Lorraine said...

That bird info was very interesting. Poor crusty eyed birdies.

And sometimes breaking up is like shedding something heavy...coat or not...I know that feeling. I hope the sadness doesn't last too long. Here's hoping your next love is lighter.

11:27 AM  
Blogger Helene said...

Well, its been coming for a long time hasnt it... I bet it just feels good to have made a final decision! Good luck and stay busy! Its the idol time thats the worse!

About the feeders... in PA we had to stop feeding birds because it attracted RATS!!! UGG!!! We had rats in the neighborhood the size of cats! (you always new when it was an issue because we wouldnt have ANY rabbits. When the rat population was under control there would be a bunny party! (not sure really which was worse! lol)

Anywho. Have a good weekend!

12:26 PM  

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