Saturday, August 25, 2007

I'm All Out of Talk..Well, Maybe Not

I have that talked- out feeling. Gone inside myself. I guess it's not a problem especially for those people who don't enjoy my ramblings..Heehee, who COULD that be?
Anyway, it seems to be a trait that takes over when I am unsure or worried about stuff. Or when I am overwhelmed with ideas and jobs. The idea thingee is the place I am at right now. So many things to get to. I am comtemplating and I do it best alone and unhindered by interaction with others. My brain is just that weak. I need total quiet to hear what I am thinking.

I am thinking about all the people who are dealing with the flooding and horrible weather lately. I seriously wanted to look into volunteering to help recovery in places that were flooded. I can't really pick up and go, though. It's a shame. I would be good help.

It's a quiet, rainy morning, or at least until my son got up and started playing Kingdom Hearts on PlayStation or the White Tee's album. He attended his first middle school dance last night. I picked up a sweaty, jubilant 12 year old last night. He had danced like a crazy man apparently and even the 7th and 8th grade girls were asking him to dance (if it actually went down that way). What a departure from his early years when you couldn't even get him to have a picture made! His best girl-friend danced half a song with him until his sweatiness icked her out. Heehee. Ah, to have been a fly on the wall.... I am amazed at the difference between him and his sister. I had to literally shovel her out of the car when I dropped her at the first dance. He fairly leaped out of the moving car to get in! Alone! No one with him to walk in with.

Anyway, time to deliver him to his dad's house and finish my quiet weekend. Lots to do. Looking forward to it.

Enjoy you weekend, everyone.


Blogger Michele said...

made me smile and look forward to my son's first dance. I remember when I used to be afraid he'd have no friends. Now I have to tell him no, that his gang of 5 best buds cannot be here EVERY weekend.

10:45 AM  
Blogger Mom said...

Your boy sounds a lot like my 12 year old grandson - he is quite the ladies man.
enjoy you quiet this weekend.

4:16 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jetpass-it is the best of times, it is the best of times!
Mom, Hi and yes, he has a harem. Girls that are admirers and friends. I worry and I revel in that fact. Guess it is what it is.
J is very much master of his domain and marches to his own drumbeat, etc. I love that about him.

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great story about the dance! Gave me a chuckle and made me think of how different my children are from each other too.

7:13 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

I'll have to report back when my 12yo goes off to her first dance. She didn't go any last year, but now she has made friends so I'm sure she'll want to go.

4:29 PM  
Blogger Sandi said...

heh.. his sweatiness got to her eh? that's funny..

I am glad he had a good time. :)
Hope the rest of your weekend went well!

11:10 PM  
Blogger Lorraine said...

So cute.

Oh, wait...

ladies man???


9:59 AM  
Blogger Helene said...

My youngest decided to take Hip Hop dance lessons this season instead of a sport! I am thrilled. I think dancing makes them well rounded!

I too often need total quiet to hear myself think. Good luck with that! Maybe while they were at their dads...

5:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, SM and Anne. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy 'em while we got 'em, right? Because eventually they start therapy and then where will we be? Heehee.
Hi Sandi. Glad you came by.
Hi, Lorraine! Yup, he still has his harem.
Wow, Kate! Hip hop would be a great option to sports . I agree about the dancing.

6:55 AM  

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