Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween and three of my peeps surfaced to help hand out candy. One brought her hubby which was cool because he brought the bottle of Crown Royal , which I had just put down on my Christmas list. He didn't read my Christmas list because he took the balance of the bottle home. I think she may have packed it up actually, as they had come over after attending her Grandma's funeral. I think she might have needed the evening and the bottle of CR for later.

One had her hubby show up with his best friend, who got rather irritated with our teachery, liberal stance on a few topics of conversation.

One came as a tired, cranky 50 year old woman. That could have been any of us.
More were invited but one just had surgery and she wasn't up for it and others had previous activities planned. One showed up even though I wished she hadn't with a very sick child who, it turned out today was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia. NOT smart at all.

I dressed sort of BeetleGeuse-esque and Mother Nature.

What were you all doing on Halloween?


Blogger Anne said...

I was dressed like a 40-something mom and handed out candy.

12:45 PM  
Blogger John said...

That's a very pretty picture of you.

I dressed up as a mover and took all my furniture from one house to another.

Actually, I made Isaac sit out there and hand out candy. He was dressed up as a disgruntled teen.

10:22 AM  
Blogger Mom said...

I was touring the Valley of the kings in Egypt - wondering among the tombs.

8:37 AM  

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