Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Posts have been few and far between here. Ive been on no rant or found much of anything relevant to comment on or bring to anyone's attention. My job and the kids are taking a lot of my time, I know. I'm feeling pretty boring and am in the process of "brightening" myself up so I can troll for suitors again. It's been a few years and I think a change of scenery would help me feel lively again. Time is fleeting...

This incessant rain has my spirits down, too. Is this how Seattlites feel?!

Marching season is done for the kids. I have yet to post any pics of them but I will. The last competition they were to perform in was canceled because of- YOU GUESSED IT! rain. Have you ever seen football on a muddy field? Marching on a muddy field is crazy looking and the uniform cleaning bill is ridiculous.

Figuring on having the girls over for our Halloween get-together. Our normal hostess who is a nut for Halloween and goes all out with decorations and food is living out of town until her house is built. We have to have it here close by so we can wobble home easily after festivities. I am the obvious candidate. I've got some decorating to do.

Work is calling. Ciao!


Blogger Anne said...

i've marched on a muddy field.

i remember one game someone came out of her shoe because of the mud and had to finish the show anyway. yuck.

we got 3" of rain since sunday, and an inch of that was since midnight last night.

nice to see your post again!

9:15 AM  
Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

Brightening up for suitors, eh? Sometimes it doesn't seem worth the effort - until you find someone to remind you what you've been living without.

You deserve the best!

7:28 AM  

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