Thursday, April 02, 2009

Sandi- I can't get a comment box on your blog. Just know I am thinking about you and hope things smooth out soon. Lots of people are on your. Take care.

Stepping up my exercise regimen. Im trying to walk/run a half hour in the mornings and ride my bike or at least do some Pilates at my house in the evening mixed with plenty of weight reps although I only have 5 lb-ers right now. Mixing that with the exercise ball kind of makes me believe I am doing some good. My blankity-blank metabolism needs a boost. I just can't shake this tired, slow-witted point I am at.

Tomorrow night E is in the Drama department's play. She plays an old grandma and while she was developing the character according to the drama teacher's wishes, she adopted a pretty good northern accent to deliver her lines with, much like my mother's and all my Yankee relatives. It's funny and Im looking forward to seeing it.

Can you believe it?! We got egged last night apparently in the middle of the night since I never heard it happen. I raised my shades in the living room this morning and was met with a splattering of yolk and white with a shell fragment hanging on the sill outside. I did a double take and with investigation, we learned about five missile had been thrown. Yuck. Nobody at school opened their mouths so Im chalking it up to an April Fool's Day joke. I don't want to think about pissing someone off for anything else.


Anonymous S said...

I *THINK* I finally cleared out the kinks and got my old template back. And thanks for your thoughts :)

Yuck about eggs. I had someone egg the INSIDE of my car once.. it was hell to clean up.

Hope the play goes well!

9:17 PM  
Blogger Mom said...

Good for you for exercising.
Egg yolk is a yucky mess to clean up
Enjoy the play.

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when you never were tired or slow witted...

1:15 AM  
Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

Sometimes kids do stuff like that to their friends because they think it's funny - and they've never had to clean it up.
I can't imagine that you have pissed anyone off.

1:12 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That sounds like a nasty mess, S. I don't know what takes dried egg off. Guess I'll find out..

The play was awesome. I forgot the cameras..D'oh!

Oh, AM if only it were true. I can think of plenty of people...but I think it was kids really.

9:17 PM  

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