I started on my bag of Starbucks Sumatra coffee yesterday. Strong smooth coffee. Yum.
My alarm didn't go off this morning, apparently suffering from ineptness on my part to set it correctly after having moved it back in the bedroom from the living room where I slept while Mom was here. She left yesterday. I woke up to my son groaning in his sleep which may or may not be more pleasant than my blaring alarm. Now I don't have sufficient time to take in two cups of life force AND get a bike ride in before I need to get ready. SSooo, I am writing a post.
First day of school- new principal. Has anyone every used the line about the "pal" in principal to you? I had an elementary principal that told us in 5th grade he was a principal first but there was a reason the "pal" was in "principal" because he was our pal in the end. What a load...
But our new guy is shaking things up and well he should. We are rather complacent as a building and our scores are not looking any better. I actually might have a little fear of my job. More on this later.
Well, my coffee is done and the time says to get started.
Ciao, people.
My alarm didn't go off this morning, apparently suffering from ineptness on my part to set it correctly after having moved it back in the bedroom from the living room where I slept while Mom was here. She left yesterday. I woke up to my son groaning in his sleep which may or may not be more pleasant than my blaring alarm. Now I don't have sufficient time to take in two cups of life force AND get a bike ride in before I need to get ready. SSooo, I am writing a post.
First day of school- new principal. Has anyone every used the line about the "pal" in principal to you? I had an elementary principal that told us in 5th grade he was a principal first but there was a reason the "pal" was in "principal" because he was our pal in the end. What a load...
But our new guy is shaking things up and well he should. We are rather complacent as a building and our scores are not looking any better. I actually might have a little fear of my job. More on this later.
Well, my coffee is done and the time says to get started.
Ciao, people.
Fear for your job?! What?! What?! Details please...
My spouse had news from her "pal" yesterday.
Performance money will be directly tied to an actual point grade on the yearly testing. Not improvement made, but a single standard point grade of 71 at least for every kid.
Spouse has 4 kids in her 3rd grade class that are severely mentally disabled.
From what I heard from him in a "shoot the bull" session, it was hush, hush the board felt our building was over-staffed. Things are getting very interesting this year.
And if I did somehow lose my job, it would be the kick in the pants to finish the old education and find something that would lift the "dregs of society" label off my name.
Iamnot, I would have nightmares with that kind of pressure. Not good for the blood pressure, huh?
whatever you do, pal or not, dont give 'em your blog address.
that changes everything.
i want some coffee. i never drink it though unless it's chilly outside. soon enough and then i'll be an addict all over again.
It's hard to believe (not really) that with all the NCLB crap that any school could be overstaffed. We are hearing the same rumblings, I guess now that we're "off the list" those kids that could pass an easy test but can't pass math won't need us.
Kimmy, you sooo know what you are talking about. It would definitely mean my demise.
Surely you didn't make that mistake?!
All coffee, all the time for me.
Mathman, it would be hard for them to justify axing me since Im on the Title I federal money side of things. And I am so mush the do everything gal, they would be lost. But just as I say that with confidence, I would be the one to go. Who know? But over staffed we are not, even if that is my layman's opinion.
I think she's finally turned the corner on that one.
I've told her to just give up. Teach the kids as well as you can and understand that you won't be getting that bonus. The system is f'd up, not her teaching. We can live without the money but we can't live with the insanity of trying to jump through impossible hoops.
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Principals were never pals in my memory. They were always a threat as in, "I'm going to send you to the principal's office!"
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