A Year In the Life of Education
- Enthused, excited, focused, full of energy, review, review, review
- hitting work hard, getting things accomplished, settling into smooth routine, have control of class/students.
- waver before the holidays, working hard to keep students focused/deal with unhelpful parents/troubled students, feel work is sliding and taking backseat to holiday turmoil.
- come back after holiday break and work extra hard to refocus students. REVIEW, lock horns with same unhelpful parents/students, hit books hard but with less force/focus from students, sickness/snow days losses, gripe
- Return from spring break and refocus with even less steam, fight to make gains adequate for testing knowledge, gripe.
- test, bite nails to quick, gripe
- lose focus entirely, endless class field trips, gripe
- give in to lost focus, gripe
Not much left to do but gripe except cry. I choose to drink....
Sounds like a normal school year for all the teachers I know. Summer is coming.
It would sound as though both you and I both need a vacation.
Gee whizz... someone has been hit hard by the misery stick.
Keep fightin' the good fight, you know its worth it, educating children is very rewarding, you know that, even when the work gets hard. Use this here blog thing as your outlet!
I hear it, MOM. I might make it.
A vacation, yes! What do you suggest, nataS? Sunshine and sandy beaches with cabana boys-girls in your case, or forested retreat with crystal clear lake and a kayak? Aahhhhh...
I am having an extraordinarily low point this week. Nothing I can do about it but live it.
Yes, I'm taking my Geritol. Don't ask.
April to May was always the worst when I was teaching. The ones you could help were already there and the ones you couldn't were making you nuts... drinking is the best option. You smart cookie. Hang tight! Just a few more weeks!
I vote solitude in a small one person watercraft.
drinking is good.
it works.
i mean, sure it's not the cure-all, but hell....it's good.
if all else fails-make one of them big chains counting down the days til summer break. y'know the kind like ya make at christmas?? yeah those.
Yes, I agree. Good drink will wash away the school and soon, too. For us May 23.
You got it Yolinna. I'm hanging tight. Thanks.
I could go either way, nataS although, my white skin isn't ready for a baking beach sun.
Count-down chain-I love it, kimmyk. I think I'll make that in my office and as I make a new link each day, I'll write the names of the kids I would like to...whoops! Then I'll burn it on the last day- to dispell all the built -up frustration. Then I'll have a drink!
Yay, Mathman, the end is in sight! I'll be lifting a drink in your honor that day as well.
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