Seems like it's going to be wet forever around here.
I still don't have stuff like squash and green beans planted because my garden is very much the consistency of chocolate mousse. My 5 x 5 raised bed is doing great with the beets, carrots and now a few potatoes planted. Between the rain showers, with thoughts of weeping sore's comment, I used my webbing sunflower seed sacks and newly emptied potting soil sacks to plant my potatoes in. We will see how much too late I am for planting potatoes.
I instead got jobs like this cast iron sign put up finally.
I absconded with these cool patio chairs from the kid's dads. They looked horrid but I can see potential.
It's too moist to work on priming and painting them and
I have 3 such jobs waiting for me in my garage. A set of metal kitchen cabinets that need stripping and perhaps sandblasted to take of some rust. I'd like to see what the local body shop would charge to put a coat of paint on them. It would be nice to get them up in my laundry room by the end of the summer.
I also have an old chest of drawers I wanted to sand and maybe paint for Erin to use at her father's house since he doesn't have any furniture for them to speak of..She wondered about just sanding and putting on a coat of sealer so that's the route I'll go to get it done.
Then there is the crawl space doors to the house that happen to be in place on the house but the siding I saved from the ones that fell apart needs to be put on (ack, don't know what I'm doing here) as well as the new doors needing primering and sealed. And along that vein is the primering and painting of the shed in back and the siding washed on the house and both porches needing sealed. The kids get to help with ALL of that. It just needs to stop resembling the South American rain forest around here before we can get started.
Did someone say mousse?
Yeah, but too bad it's soil and not real chcolate.
Good grief you just don't stop do you woman... you know what I did when I got home? I drank beer. THAT'S my job for the day!
Sounds like you have plenty of work to do. I realize how lucky I am here with all the early gardening I have been able to do. We have had few wet ones when the remnants of hurricanes dowsed everything, totally destroying the the tomatoes and cucumbers.
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