Saturday, January 26, 2008

I can't believe I did it again. I backed into my daughter's boyfriend's jeep. Same story, same scenario. This is the second time in all of my driving history I have run into anything. And I've managed to have both times within a month of each other.

In my defense,I was distracted as I backed out of my garage keeping an eye on my garage door since it has become possessed, closing down in the middle of going up. It may be a remote prob, too. And my motion light shot craps a while back so it was dark although I didn't actually look behind me. CRAP! It makes me mad just writing about it.
Soooo, today I need to get a handle on my garage door and I need to get the motion light up that I have sitting waiting to be installed. And I need to reconcile my checkbook after last night when I sent Slim (E's boyfriend) home with a check for the previous damage I did.

Geez, I need a second job. And I think I'll read the book my friend gave me earlier in the week.
"Don't Sweat the Small Stuff".


Blogger John said...

I hate that sick feeling after hitting something. That's when one wishes we had control over the clock and could roll time backwards. Good luck on the second job.

3:08 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

it was an ongoing joke in my household when I was growing up-- don't park behind Mom or she'll run into your car! She just never thought about it, just backed right on out. Somehow she made it into our fault so we learned... tell Slim he's gotta park elsewhere or else!

great book by the way! enjoy!

9:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I could use that super power of turning back time. Although I would most likely end up back at age 9 since that's about the time things were perfect.
I used my free time to install my motion light on the garage yesterday , replaced the battery in the remote and oiled the pulley whatchamacallit on the door opener. I also decided I couldn't think about it anymore because it made me nausiated. I'll have to get my bumper fixed and this time it broke out one of my tail light covers. Salvage year, here I come.
Thanks for the luck.

Hi, yolinna! Oh, I see the power in that approach of your mom's. Throwing guilt is the way to go. And Slim's dad already said he was to park in the church parking lot across the street from now on.

I have several boks waiting to be read but Don't Sweat seemed to be the obvious one to start with.

9:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Salvage yard. DOH!

9:41 AM  
Blogger Mom said...

Bless your little heart! My moma said everything would be better if you blessed someone's heart.
It isn't your fault anyway. It's the demon possessed garage door.

6:25 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

YOu need to start backing into the garage.

7:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you kindly Mom, and I am sure in a moment or two I WILL feel better. .....Yup, much better!
Brillant, Anne! Problem solved.

8:33 PM  
Blogger Simon said...

I've had a few crashes, and that horrible feeling when time seems to stop as you hear the breaking metal and glass, its one of the worst in the world! I also rode motorbikes for about ten years, and coming off one of those is just the same - you get hit, you fly through the air and for what feels like hours you think "I can fly!" and then SMACK - body meets tarmac. Ouch. (Yes feeling much better thank you)

1:26 AM  

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