Friday, December 07, 2007

Yup, I filled the house with the smell of frying latkas last night. They were scrumptious - even the kids agreed. Right after supper, I cranked up the insense and candles. Sigh. Wish I had a decent exhaust fan.


Blogger Anne said...


let me pause here for a moment and breathe deeply.

Ooh, they smell so good.

Ow, got hit by some splattered oil.

I'll come back later when they are cool enough to eat.

8:33 AM  
Blogger Sandi said...

mmmm those do look good!

12:20 PM  
Blogger Charlotte said...

I always have liked fried potatoes.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Gnomeself Be True said...

Starch, fat and salt...what's not to love?

2:06 PM  
Blogger Helene said...

ohhhh they look great! I made another batch tonight as we are having some family over for a holiday dinner. I have been cooking allllllllllll day! It was fun, until my back started to hurt and I was feeling totally greasy! Unfortunately that was 3 hours into it and I had tons left to do! Oh well... a glass of wine has my name on it right now... that'll help!

I can totally see how you could grow to cherish your weekends off! I certainly could use one every now and again! Not that we both dont worship our kids... its just that we are people too! =]

Hope you are having a great weekend! xoxoK8

4:39 PM  

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