Friday, October 05, 2007

Finally A Friday Rant

Old News- J, E and I watched with interest the Oprah show when Dr. Oz was answering men's health questions. I was actually watching E and J as they listened to questions and answers. It was hilarious in our house during that show.
I thought it would be good for J to watch since he has the equipment they spoke of and I thought it might demystify the male to some degree for E. I was right on both counts.

I especially found useful the information that we as women worry about our cellulite far too much. Most men never even notice especially if they are "engaged" in activity- words spoken directly from men- good looking men! Other women are the general problem.

(This pic was sent in an email from my sister right after I posted. I guess it might have it's place on the list of what to wear to a visually deficient festival. )

I think men heard similar useful information from us women- We have no problem AT ALL about men's lack of hair. Receding or balding, makes no diff. I heartily agree.

Earlier this week, I cooked dinner for my crew. I made some really yummy turkey meatballs in a mushroom sauce over rice and some steamed broccoli. My daughter drives me crazy by coming into the kitchen while it was all cooking and say" man, what or you cooking?" with a sneer on her face. Apparently it wasn't smelling all that great even though I have to say, it was de-lish. It made me so mad since they constantly grumble about what we eat. I was ready to walk out the door. Don't you get so tired of griping? I think I'll stock up on Ramen noodles and Banquet pot pies..then they can make their own stinking dinner and I can go out on the patio and have a cocktail!

I also lost it this week over the fact that my son will sit around on the computer or in front of the tv in the late evening and never once look at the time. Showers at night are a must in our house. I wait and watch and wonder if I again have to remind him of the time. And when I do he sighs a heavy sigh or grumbles EVERY TIME like it is the world on his shoulders instead of a shower. Then he goes in the bathroom and takes 30 minutes singing at the top of his lungs. GGAAAaa! (Shaking fists in the air).

But hey, I'm happy now.


Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

Wow our sons are alike. Maybe it's the age. He comes in drenched in sweat from lax practice and I have to badger him to shower. My broken leg has not diminished my nagging ability.

I get rave cooking reviews the less I cook. I boil some noodles & open a can of Ragu and hear, "Great dinner Mom." Makes me want to join you on the patio.

11:14 AM  
Blogger Gnomeself Be True said...

I used to love to cook. Cooking for 3 nitpicky/ungrateful/spoiled people has ruined the experience for me. I only enjoy it now if we’re having guests.
My boys don’t complain anymore about dinner. They used to, but after a couple of times of my dumping their plates and pointing out that “it’s a long way from here to breakfast,” they are mostly either silent or complimentary now.
Ok, I need a whole blog entry on this one…stay tuned.

1:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

AM, nagging is the ultimate "mother" job.
Hope that broken leg is getting better quick, btw.
Iamnot, I think you used the word that best describes them- spoiled. I apparently have spoiled them by asking if they like stuff and then not fixing it if they don't, I do it enough that they expect it that way.

My dad said something like that. They'll be hungry if you spread their meals far enough apart.

1:39 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

OK, I'll stop worrying about the dimply fat on my butt, and what I cook for dinner, if I cook at all that is. The neighborhood pizza shop takes orders online.

7:34 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ah, pizza in it's many forms is the easy way out, besides noodles and Ragu, that is.

Is that not the worst photo you have ever seen, Anne?!

7:50 AM  

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