Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Rain and Candy

Springy and rainy here.

I was geared up to have our 4 classes of 5th graders dig 95 holes for the first planting in our outdoor classroom. Since the grant is through our own Dept. of Conservation, we are expected to predominantly use native Missouri species. The Dept. of Conservation has it's own nursery we ordered from for these native seedlings, which we received free. We ordered 175 in the first batch and 125 in the second. These seedlings are in bundles of 25. They are shrub and tree varieties that offer food and cover for birds as well as butterflies and other fauna, if we are lucky. We have received those but we aren't yet certain if we have obtained the grant. The agent we had as our contact to talk us through the process figured we were a shue-in. The money from the grant would help us add the other varieties of plants and flowers to attract the birds and butterflies as well as some hard structures and mulch for a the trails, a bird bath and similar items. As part of the grant we are to involve as many parts of the school and community as we can for the planning, preparation, donated items and upkeep. It's for hands-on instruction that should be used in as many areas of learning as possible for all grades, high school included.

This is really my forte. I am an avid lover of earth science and outdoor learning is a fantastic experience for kids at every age. I know my stuff about plants and planting. I am so excited to be working on this. I hope the kids will be as excited.

Needless to say, we won't be planting anything today.

I bought a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter eggs yesterday. Thanks alot to whoever talked about those on their blog (Sandi). I couldn't get them out of my mind after reading it!!! However, I only brought one with me this morning for my treat. Unfortunately I am thinking of going home for lunch to get some more!aARRGggg!


Blogger Helene said...

You know its something you just have to do sometimes... indulge in that which is not good for you! (it comes in many shapes and sizes too! lol)

I was out in the garden for several hours today. It was awesome! I am in my element there as well. Too bad my lawn isnt thinking that way though! It looks terrible! lol

Happy hump day!

12:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Kate, your garden is quite different than your New England one, I wager to say. I saw the amazing plants you were working on some time ago when you posted about working on it.
Happy Friday.

6:34 PM  

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