Friday, March 02, 2007

I loved this email from a friend.
Question for those of you who take their walks on city streets- How nervous do YOU get when large trucks start crossing over the center line to the side you are walking on? I have a piece of a county highway to cover before I get to the actual city streets I use and this happens quite a bit . Walking in the evening (yes, in reflective, light colored clothing) is much less attractive to me since there is more traffic. I prefer early morning with peace and quiet although I have begun to use my son's mp3 player. Walking to Arabic Groove gives my step a bit of a punch!
Speaking of sweating, I am working on having a better attitude as far as not sweating the small stuff. I am always worrying about things that will work out in the end. It takes a lot of energy to worry, too and I just don't have that kind of time or energy anymore. I also have children watching me handle stuff and I can't tell them to not worry about the stuff they worry about, that everything will end up fine in the end when I am up in arms about something I should let go of.
Hope everyone has a spectacular weekend. I am going to work on a seed order for vegetables and maybe dig up my strawberry bed since it had a bad year last year. New soil and plants. That means no strawberries for a few years. I'll have to find a patch to pick at.


Blogger Lorraine said...

Ok, that's a very funny advert!

I'm starting to feel a little itchy gardening-wise myself. Which kinda cracks me up because i'm so pathetic on the follow through...but there's nothing like the hope and possibility that lurks between the covers of a seed catalog!

3:38 PM  
Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

I'm having trouble managing my irritation lately. It isn't really small stuff either, but it is stuff I cannot change. My daughter told me to "chill."
I think it's OK to let her see my irritation, but it is not helping me. It's just that this situation will likey never go away. It will only become more extreme. Maybe when the kids are grown I will have less contact with the irritation.

9:41 PM  
Blogger Lee Ann said...

Life is so much easier when we don't sweat the small stuff....I have definitely learned that.

9:21 PM  

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