Friday, March 16, 2007


My son came home tonght with the bully story. A kid who kicked J's bicycle wheel til it was bent last time with the help of another neighborhood boy who is known for morphing into a bully depending on the company, decided it was another opportunity to do the same kind of thing ( 4 glasses of wine make my sentences very long). Long story perhaps even longer, after grilling son to fess up, come clean for sure, use conscience and tell me now what actually happened( his story didn't change), I decided it was time to call the parents of bully #1 to confront since it was not the first time. Their son's story didn't size up against my son's story.

Big surprise. Mothers Against Dumb Domination, right? I got testy, lost my cool, mother of said bully whose father is running for school board got mad , then got apologetic. I, in turn, got weepy and apologetic, father talked to me, then he talked to son, called back, said heart to heart tuned up nothing new, let by gones be by gones, called on prayer to help boys be " brethren" eventually, and I am downing another glass of wine.

Taking a new seal-point kitten to my parent's tomorrow. We love Siamese. Over my life time there have been 4 Siamese in our family. My password has always been the name of the first one we ever owned.
He was bought so I would have some company in my alone-ness as the baby born 5 and 6 years after my sis and bro. They had each other. I had a cat. I promptly broke his tail by grabbing it as he passed by me going one way while I was traveling the other way. I was 3.


Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

They stirred the mother grizzly. Every now and then I have to give the mother grizzly four glasses of wine too. She gets testy when someone messes with her kid.

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man.. don't you hate dealing with other parents?? I know I do...

7:34 AM  
Blogger Helene said...

This parent thing sucks! Its bad enough to deal with your own kids none the less try to get other parents to deal with theirs!

Hand tight... the good news is there are 5 glasses in a bottle! =]

Its 5pm martini time here. Heres to you Greeny!

4:19 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Dealing with other parents is sometimes (ok, MOST times) more difficult than dealing with kids!!

What is up with the whole bully thin these days anyway? It seems that there are more and more of them around....or maybe we are just more aware. Little brats piss me off!!! hehe

Ummm what kind of glasses are ya all using to get 4 or even 5 glasses of wine out of a bottle?? LOL Maybe I need smaller glasses??? lol

7:19 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Chelle, it doesn't matter really how many glasses of wine come out of a bottle but how many bottles there are left in the wine rack.
And I don't know if there are more or we just get the lion's share somehow. J isn't a fighting kinda guy and it puts him in the "fodder for bullys" catagory. I am trying to teach him to balance walking away with kick -the -shit- out -of -them -once -and- they'll- leave- you- alone- mentality.

I am just too volatile in the beginning but then I lose my nerve and talk myself out of complaining if I wait too long to handle it.

9:00 AM  
Blogger Lorraine said...

I HATE dealing with other parents about stuff like this. Oh, I have such stories....

You're so not voting for that ahole, right?

11:46 AM  
Blogger Gnomeself Be True said...

I don't deal with other parents...I just find new places to hide the bodies.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The kid's bodies or the parents bodies, or both?
Laughing, by the way.

2:53 PM  

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