Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Twas the day before break...

Last week my son's band and choir concert was held. It was my son's first band concert. He was so jazzed and nervous. I was hoping the music bug would get him and it has!
My daughter filmed it with her mini dv. The battery was getting low so when the band finished playing, she shut it off while the cub choir(15 3rd - 5th graders) sang. The entire 5th grade was going to sing after that. Lucky for us she had it off since a 3rd grader blew chunks all over the risers and surrounding singers during their first song. I was amazed by the neighboring singers because they just moved over a bit, grimaced slightly all the while continuing to sing! Then the principal and 3 other helpers came out and in one smooth moved had it cleared up for the 5th graders. Funny -there was avoidance of "the spot" and a lingering aroma in the gym even the wassail didn't cover up.

Last night was my daughter's choir and band concert. In the past , I have been dismayed when the choir sings since they are perpetually lousy, but it was a good night. I even had goosebumps from" Carol of the Bells". The band played carols for the crowd sing-a -long which sounded very nice and then played their selections, ending with "A Charlie Brown Medley". LOVED it! I am so happy to be a parent of band members. I know its geeky.

Today is half a day at school with parties and no normal routine. That means I can read the paper(done), write slightly interesting and/or amusing but useless posts(done), and unwrap my gifts from the friends and people who use my services so freely in their rooms (done, I think). I already distributed my gifts earlier in the week so there is nothing else to do but sit and wait for the bell...
I would be much more useful at home where the tree still stands with nothing on it, nothing is baked, nothing is wrapped, and I mean NOTHING. And I still have shopping to do. Just some.

Serenity NOW!

AAAHHhhhhh, that's better.


Blogger House of Suz said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. Have a great holiday and get some decorations on that nekked tree already. What will the neighbors think?

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, I shouldn't even be reading your blog.
School kids, teachers...argh!
We had the school Christmas party at our house last week.
50 repressed teachers drinking. They did kareoke for god's sake!

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blowing that sounds yummy! My son was in choir last year, this year it's band too.

Tommorow is their half day, out at 12. But I'm the art docent so I'm going into make gingerbread houses with them. 20 3rd graders hyped up on sugar before noon....what joy!!

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Batteries always pick the "Oscar Winning Moments" to die don't they?

Do they still use that purple powder to clean "the spots"?

There is so much I miss from school...that smell of vomitus maximus mixed with the magical purple sweep it up powder but mostly I miss that ink that everyone huffed after the teachers passed out tests.

I feel you on the tree...I made a wreath and have yet to get it up on the door. It looks rather nice in the dining room though.

10:19 PM  
Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

What a classic moment - well described too. Thanks!

I forgot about that mimeograph high. My first teaching job we still had the machine where we cranked out one purple copy at a time. No wonder teachers all get drunk and sing kareoke.

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

amkinsfield, I could not think of the word mimeograph for the life of me. Thank you!

8:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so cool that you're proud of your band kids.

And you look very content.

10:34 PM  

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