Tuesday, December 05, 2006

More of Today...

I'd like to think I can put a positive spin on my life from now on but I'm a realist. No one can be happy and upbeat all the time. After glancing at all my post titles in a row, I realized they all were negative. I need to do something. So here goes nothing.
I just got a call that school is in tomorrow. Hoo-RAY!....Was that better?
Anne, I beg you to enlightened me for I am lost as to what you meant for me to do to fix my paragraph prob. I tried something today which is really why my posts kept getting lost. It wasn't the right thing obviously if you take a look at my earlier post. On the posts you mentioned I was trying to allow room for a photo or two as well. If you succeed in helping me, those pecans you mentioned are yours.
My mother's visit was really a good one. I have to say I wasn't looking forward to it. But we had meaningful conversations on many subject, especially about the life she is having and will have after my father goes into a care facility. I was fairly realistic and I didn't show many feeling about it. I can't go there yet but I can empathize and understand greatly what my mother is going through on a daily basis. I'm not there as much as I need to be (guilt) and I wish I had a way to help more. I've avoided going like I should (guilt) and feel badly over the fact my sibs take up the slack. But that has to change.
My father has a younger brother who just can't bring himself to visit with Daddy or see him. It just makes him too sad so he avoids it. We all think it's a crock of pooh. He has always been selfish and has never done anything good for anyone. Daddy's older brother, Sonny has been taking him to church on Sunday, which Daddy loves, and had over the last couple of years taken him to work on the grounds of the family cemetery and similar jaunts. Sonny treated him just like he needed to be treated and it wasn't that hard. My mother appreciated the time to herself. The rest of the immediate family does whatever is needed. So until I act better than this uncle of mine, I have no place to gripe about him and I sure can't tell him what I think of him like I almost did at Thanksgiving.
Lorraine, the book you mentioned looks right up my alley. Thanks.
Happy happy, joy, joy. I feel happy.


Blogger Lorraine said...

I'm glad you feel happy.

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am soooooo NOT hearing happy here lol

Ok first, when this happened with my right side bio/archives etc, I had to go through the posts one by one and eliminate the photos until it returned to its proper place. One of the photos is just too long and has pushed the other items down. If you remember which post it happened with, the easiest thing to do is just eliminate the photos. If you really want to keep them then you will probably have to shrink them or go to the edit html mode in post and hold the 'shift' key as you hit 'enter'at various parts of the picture info... that will break apart the code on the page without messing up the photo when published... did I mention that the easiest thing is to just remove the photo?? hehehe I spent hours (and clearly know very little) figuring this out one day!

Hey... on the topic of your Uncle... I am stepping on a limb here and dont want to offend you... but I think that you have to really try to let that go.

If you harbor ill will about his not seeing your Dad, it will only make matters worse and your Dad seems lucky to have plenty of loved ones who are able and do see him regularly. You are holding the anger... I bet your Dad isnt.

People do things for so many reasons, but having just dealt with so much death and illness in my life, I realize now that it hits people in such different ways at all different times. He may have a total reversal at some point, but it must be pretty bad for him right now if he cant/wont see his brother. Even selfish people are just humans under that wall of protection. Just my opinion.

Ok now on a lighter subject... I had a dream that you and Wildman came out to dinner with my spouse and I... We had a ball and decided that we all had to have nick names (I have really NEVER had a nickname as my real name Helene, doesnt shorten to anything nicely) so we laughed and came up with silly names all of which I forget except that we called my husband Bubba! (If you knew him you would know he is so NOT a Bubba! ehhehehehehehehehheehehheheheheh)


2:44 PM  

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