Monday, December 11, 2006

I feel sometimes like I don't have the brain power to actually have all the relationships and duties I have. I can't remember everything I really need to. I mean the real basic stuff.
Both my kids played and kicked back all Saturday. Sunday we spent working at a Masonic lodge dinner for area seniors after which we all went shopping. Then to Wildman's house for a visit. Home and in bed by 10. Neither one paracticed their instruments or did any reading for their respective assignments. Where was I during all this? In my own little world of making and doing. I realize they are old enough to remember their assignments but I am their mother and obligated to remind and co-erce? and otherwise prod them in the right direction. I didn't even think about it. NOw they are stressed and I'll end up paying the price trying to make it easy on them to get it done by waiving the chores and stuff. Ik, Ik, I am an enabler. I am not going to do it this time.
I just feel overwhelmed. I know everyone does. I just would like a handle on the situation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a tough thing to balance. We're constantly flogging them to get things done, but sometimes we just let them fail and suffer the consequences.
We've been let down by teachers a bit this year because they've failed to apply the consequences when work was not done.

BTW, word verification is getting out of control! ofrgfymi ??? Geeze!

10:03 AM  
Blogger Lorraine said...

Oh, my yord, can I sing that tune!

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL iamnot. I am with you on the word verifier fiasco. I'm finally getting easy ones because the system is tired of having to try 3 or 4 different options before my eyes can sort it all out.

Good luck with homework management. My daughter is too young for me to have this problem.

1:42 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

I hate that. I have having to remember my life and my kids'. I hate that I have to remind my daughter to practice her sax. Her band teacher wants 20 minutes a day for an A grade. This alone should be enought incentive to get the horn out, but, no, I have to nag her. She loves it, but has no real drive to get better. She failed a science test last week and I asked her why she didn't ask me to help her study for it. A) I studied at lunch, Mom. and B) you were watching Survivor.

Sheesh. I would have gladly helped her study. We have TiVo for goodness sake. You think she rather interupt Survivor than endure wrath of a failing grade?

3:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, it requires some "sink or swim" moments for them. Mine are really different in their approaches to school and the work.
My son and I just had an in-depth discussion about his frustration levels. And the guilt!, oh the guilt! Poor guy. I have a long row to hoe with him. At least he is sweet (right now).
Sorry 'bout the word verification. Now I know you like me if you're willing to work that hard to comment!

9:38 PM  
Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

The homework load overwhelms me too. We're all busy. I feel the report card is a mom test that I'm not acing. And for some reason, a moment of weakness with a fundraiser, I subscribed to "Family Fun" magazine which brings loads of great parenting ideas to my kitchen table for me to feel guilty about not doing. Mom guilt is a deep river with a swift current.

9:57 PM  
Blogger Susan Lucente said...

amkingsfield, you just read my mind! I feel exactly the same way every time my son gets a bad grade... like it makes me a bad mother. My older daughter never had trouble getting straight A's, and I never had to tell her to do her homework or study, she just did it on her own. My son, 6th grade, is completely the opposite. It is SO frustrating! And don't feel bad, I also ordered Family Fun from my son's fundraiser... it's a fabulous magazine isn't? Looks great sitting on the coffee table... unused. :-(

12:07 AM  

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