Saturday, November 04, 2006

Whatever comes out of me, I apologize. Im going to channel myself now in an effort to come up with a post. (eyes rolling back in head- a lot like last night on the couch) (moooooaaannn.)

I wish I had more time to sit here and read my fellow bloggers. I need to catch up.

I am heading into the great shopping mecca alone in a few to begin the tedious task of finding really good xmas gifts for very little $ -perhaps the hardest thing this weekend to accomplish.

I am preparing for a lovely eve with Wildman to ponder the wonderfulness of our 2 years anniversary. I must paint my toenails.

My children, especially my daughter, age 14(says a lot) dread going to visit with their dad on his weekends. He has moved into his girlfriend's house (says a lot) so the turf is no longer his or the kid's. Interestingly, my daughter slept on the couch in the living room and now they have sold the couch (says a lot). Actually it's been sold for about a month and a half and they just took a trip to N.M. And there are two sets of rules-one for hers and one for his. He is either oblivious, stupid or afraid to have an opinion. I am debating as to what my next move should be, because the problems have been mentioned to him before. I hate this.

My innards to my kid's bathroom toilet need to be worked on since it keeps running and costing a small fortune in water bills. I hesitate to touch it.

My mother is fighting depression and she will NOT move toward medicating even for a while. I worry about her health and wellbeing.

My father is becoming much more difficult. He had a moment when he recognized he was sick and said as much. Im glad I wasn't there for that. Head in sand.

It's raining and cold here and a day with movies and hot chocolate sounds better than a crowded city.

This is very exciting for me. I am on the commitee to write a grant for an outdoor science classroom with plants, bird feeding stations, a pergola, weather instruments, etc. I also have been asked to put some landscape plans together for the entrances of the new school buildings and our elementary. I realize we are talking "free work" and the school recognizes this, too. They call it "cost effective". I was thinking of taking Master Gardener classes this fall and winter so I have some more credentials. This all may be working towards a new job, maybe. I had a friend at school hand me a job discription for an opening at an urban forestry company. The pay looked good, the job discription screamed 20 year old. I don't want to appear negative however, so Im going to apply.

Happy weekend everybody.


Blogger Mom said...

Sounds like you have a too full plate already and youv'e volunteered to do more. I hope you can convince your mom to take somthing to help her with the depression. Life is too short to feel any worse than necessary. Pills do help.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Lorraine said...

Bon chance to all of it.

12:12 PM  
Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

For a weekend with Wildman, painted toenails are a must.

Sorry about the Daddy Weekend BS. Dontcha wish you could protect your kids from reality sometimes?

Keep your eye on that fun job. There are a lot of +'s to teaching, but plants are much more peaceful.

7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, dump the bastard! You're much too good for him!
Oh took care of that already. Good on ya.

12:03 AM  
Blogger Otis said...

I always wished I had gone into forestry.

I for one, hope you get the job!

Happy 2 year anniversary!

10:55 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

You need Construction Girl to help with your toilet. Heck, I could do it too. (She wears the tool belt, I wear the cape.) It's not hard, you just need some channel locks or pliers and a new toilet kit.

If your daughter doesn't want to go to the ex's place, don't make her go. He may even step up and form an opinion about his daughter's place.

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow... I am tired just from hearing all that you have going on!! I am happy that front most was your anniversary plans and it sounds like that is making you very happy... (I think I may take your anniversary and use it for an excuse to get my nails done too! *wink)

My mom got her Master Gardners Certification about 4 years ago. It was fairly easy but did involve manditory volunteer hours... I just mention it because it sounds like you are really busy as it is!
I bet even if you wrote on the application that you were studying for the degree (and sign up for the first course lol) that it would be a huge step in the right direction. About the age thing... its all in the spin. I doubt that there are many 20 year olds that have done what you have done in the field!

CHeers!! Kate

9:19 PM  
Blogger Susan Lucente said...

I can SO relate to the problems you're having with your children's dad. My ex is the same way with my 14 and 11 year old kids. He moved into his girlfriend's house with her grown daughter and her 6 yr old, and her other 14 year old daughter. My kids are supposed to go to him every thursday through saturday (joys of shared parenting-- a mistake I'll never make again) and they have no space of their own. My son sleeps in the storage room and has to remove piles of the girlfriends crap off the bed just to sleep in it. My daughter gets a futon in the girlfriend's daughter's room and has to dig her way through all the kids clothes and crap just to find the bed. The girlfriend saves up all the chores throughout the week for when my kids get there and they spend their three days doing dishes, laundry, mowing the lawn, picking up dog poop, cleaning bedrooms that aren't even theirs... everything the wicked stepmother wants done, all INSTEAD of spending time with their dad. He's too busy sleeping on the couch all day or leaving them home with girlfriend at night while he goes out drinking with the guys. Recently, both of my children decided on their own that they refuse to go to "dad's house" ever again. That was in May and they haven't gone back since. My 14 yr old legally is able to decide that for herself. He hasn't fought them on it even though he could force my 11 year old to come... it's just more convenient for him if neither of them visits. It's sad when these idiot men let new girlfriends/wives treat their children like crap and don't have the you-know-whats to stand up and do what's right.

I feel for ya!

12:34 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Mom, Im not known for my brightness, you know. and I won't give up on my mom.
Lorraine, thanks for the luck.
AM, i just feel as tho I need to help them establish and keep a good relationship with their dad but its getting harder ever month that goes by. and I know it's not all my job, but it isn't geting done with him.
Anne, if you and constuction Girl would make a house call, I'd mix a batch of apple samshed or something as pelasing for your trouble.
and I have considered and talked with her about not going,(she was the first to voice the idea).
Kate, this is the only thing in my life besides my kids that really gets my motor running. I knew about the volunteer hours, 20 or so, but that doensn't bother me.
I'm still working(read: lying) on my resume.

11:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

And butterfly, yes, this kind of thing happens to many divorced families. And it could be a topic for many posts with a lot of venting. I just want to take the high road whenever possible to show the kids it can be done(perhaps without the desired result)but it is hard when the kids are not treated the way they deserve.
Thanks for the comment..

8:23 AM  

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