Friday, October 06, 2006


The bad:
My dad going to the retirement home's Alzheimers unit 3 times a week. Maybe it's good for him, certainly good for my mom but bad to deal with mentally for me.
Payday isn't until next week.
Another year above ground for me.

The good:
My son is in beginning band and he is accepted as a percussionist! He is totally jazzed and I am so proud.
My son has shared with me his love for his life right now. He is so happy where he is at. Again, proud I am.
My daughter is heading to a leadership conference in St. Louis in November. I am anxious for her to go since she will learn so much about herself and her abilities. Proud!
Another year above ground for me.
A trip in honor of my b-day from Wildman. I haven't a clue where. Should prove to be fun where ever we end up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fortunately, my dad is going to live forever, so I won't be dealing with this...really.
Overall, I think you've got a pretty good balance sheet there.

aohyrhmg! Dang, that's a long verification.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Otis said...

I'm glad you're above ground...happy birthday!

7:04 PM  
Blogger Lorraine said...

Happy birthday, Greeny! Have a fab time, you deserve it. And good on you for having happy, prosperous children. What a gift.

7:46 PM  
Blogger Helene said...

Happy BD... I guess I missed it...

When I read your list it made me think you need to put another year above ground and payday is next week under the good! That leaves one (all be it huge) bad item to deal with. It seems more managable even if it is not really!

The other bit is that you must totally pat yourself on the back for leading your children to such personally successful places!

cheers! K

1:53 PM  
Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

Just knowing things are "for the best" doesn't make them any easier to deal with emotionally. You are in a tough spot. I wish I could tell you it would get easier.

It great the generation below you is buoying you with fun stuff.

A surprise trip sounds wonderful. Happy Birthday!

8:18 PM  

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