Sunday, June 11, 2006

Over very in-depth exploration this afternoon, I've decided the only things I would really hold dear besides my family and friends are:
#1- plenty of money to travel and eat anywhere I want to. ( I'd stop traveling long enough to send my kids to college)
#2- a house and grounds in the country big enough to be comfortable( I'll get back to you on square footage and acreage).
#3- good shoes. Hey, my feet are getting up there in years and they need a good arch support but need to look good too.
#4-good alcohol. Some might think this goes under the food catagory. It is totally separate.

That really is all. I might have added a very nice reliable car but if Im always traveling, won't I be renting that fab car? Anyway, I am not one to figure an expensive car makes me more than I am. I know I would look fantastic in an expensive import car. I just don't NEED it to feel good about myself. Reliability is more important. Same goes for very expensive clothes.
I can't think of anything else that would improve my or my kid's world.


Blogger Helene said...

I am ready to totally downsize and simplify my world... my spouse is not on the same page as me... oh well...

I have 6 years before all of my kids are in college and then I would love to travel the world and volunteer have a flat in NYC another in Paris or London and flutter between both places depending on the time of year...

ok then back to reality... I will be paying for 3 kids college. I better start buying lottery tickets! lol


6:44 PM  
Blogger Gnomeself Be True said...

We are in a downsizing phase now. Still, I'm with you on the plenty of money thing.
In fact, that would be my entire list. With lots of green, all else will follow.
No, money can't buy me love. But it'd buy me a hot blonde and a sports car. Yes, I know those are shallow's just that I could SO use some shallow pleasures now and again!

9:32 AM  
Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

I'm with you on the list. My house needs to be on a wooded lot near water I can canoe in. I'll buy my veggies from your roadside produce stand. Shoes & booze are definitely more important than make & model.

3:51 PM  

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