Saturday, June 10, 2006

Is that all?

Here's half of my crop of broccoli, ready for blanching and freezing. My acheivement I'm proud of. I love to have produce from my garden, especially in the middle of winter when I open up a jar or a bag from the freezer and think of the experience of bringing that certain product to our table. I still marvel at the process of soil to food to stomach. The seed and plant is like art to me. Soil is something to coax and work and prod and amend , I guess like any relationship, although I believe I do better with soil most of the time. Watching seed sprout, caring for the plants, finding the first fruits is a passion for me, pleasure I can count on every time. Ok, Ok, I know...

My first husband asked me once what it was I loved so much about plants. He didn't understand my passion. I tried to tell him it was a visual , organic, nature sorta thing. Obviously he could understand that, right?!

Last night was my daughter's 14th b-day party held here under duress...her's I might add.
Before it had always been held at the father's house in the country with a huge backyard and 21 acres of woods fields and trails to cavort on. But since he has moved to the city far away, I offered to have it here. E was figuring it would be a disaster in town with a smaller yard and neighbors and secretly she figured I would be in the way, I think. But I stayed behing the scenes and didn't dance with the lampshade on my head , tho I wanted to....
The turn out was sufficient to be wild and fun and that was her take on it as well. I've proven myself worthy as a party house. I just hope Im always here for them in the future....and not out of town.


Blogger Lorraine said...

I am so impressed. I tried to grow broccoli once, "tried" and "once" being the operative words.

These days I keep it to simple stuff like tomatoes, mesclun and fava beans but I totally get the passion part.

9:01 PM  
Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

I have more of a brown thumb, but I think I understand. It seems like gardening could be theraputic. You make me feel like putting in some tomatoes. But I have terrible soil. I can barely grow grass. I hope that's not a metaphor.

Way to go on the party. I'm having a tough time with the laying low with my kids. My son doesn't like anyone to see me hug him anymore. My oldest will have her 13th at her dad's big country house this year. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but my feelings aren't the main point there.z

8:37 PM  

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